John Offenbach Photographs Justin Nicholls



If you’ve followed John Offenbach’s work over the years you would have seen numerous photographs of Justin Nicholls. One of the first commissioned pictures John took was Justin’s album cover from 1993 of him standing in his pyjamas knee deep in a soft sea. Since then they have collaborated on numerous occasions for various projects as well as personal work.

Last year Justin was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He had two feet of colon removed, chemo and radiotherapy. It was a tough time to say the least. Justin went into hibernation in South Wales while he was recovering. And this year, asked John to take his portrait again.

Harriet Logan Interview at the BBC ‘The Power of Images in Conflict’

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Harriet Logan joins Rob Williams OBE from War Child and Katie Silver from the BBC to discuss the power of photography and social media throughout War.

The interview was live on Thursday 18th August 2016 on BBC News Facebook. They focus on the image of a dazed young boy in Aleppo that went viral after his home was struck by an airstrike.

A very interesting and thought-provoking watch. To have a look at the interview, click on the link below.