Ed James : Murder Weapons

Ed James, my most recent signing, has produced a chilling and intriguing body of work entitled “Murder Weapons”.

These are still life studies of everyday objects that have been used to commit a murder.

I love the way Ed has kept his representation of these often surprisingly mundane objects, simple and uncluttered, thereby keeping the focus on them and so helping to create intrigue and a desire to know more of the backstory behind how and why they were used.

Rather than describe them, here is a link to an article about the work that has appeared in the Mail :


Ed James is Back

I am really happy to announce that Ed James is back, with me representing him in London.

Although he has been shooting for some two decades, he continues to be interested, understand and utilise all the contemporary techniques now available, with the result that he produces work that focuses on his particular brand of still life photography: faultless execution and lighting but that is also heavy on the “ideas” side.

With him you get more than just a still life photographer, you also get an “ideas” man and a problem solver…. Someone with whom you can truly collaborate.

His work, as ever and always, looks believable and effortless, simple, stripped down with a particular clarity so that the viewer immediately understands the concept and the idea.

Take a look at my home page to find a link to more of Ed’s work.

Clive Booth DOP on Harry Evans Documentary ‘Attacking the Devil’

Clive Booth is in the news again.

This time it is because a new film has been released on which he worked as the director of photography.

It is called “Attacking the Devil” and is a heart rending documentary, about the quest of our greatest living newspaper man, Sir Harry Evans, to publicise the plight and bring justice to those people who suffered because of the Thalidomide scandal of the 1950’s and 1960’s

Here is a link to a piece where Clive Booth explains how he approached the work. And how he had to adapt to the very different criteria and style of working whilst shooting a documentary, as opposed to that of shooting the more commercially driven enterprises, with which he is used to being involved. This same link will allow you to see a trailer for the film as well  :  http://cpn.canon-europe.com/content/education/technical/canon_explorer_clive_booth_on_being_dop_on_attacking_the_devil_film.do